About The Author

    The name's Jeff Turner, and I live in a podunk town in southeastern Indiana - that should make things easy for the CIA boys. Otherwise, what I do is speak out against madness, tyranny, the police state, and the coming martial law - trying to wake up my countrymen and women to what's happening here at home while the state run media channels distract them with things that don't matter, or one half of the real story - or outright lies.

     I am in my 30's, and have a regular build - dark hair and eyes. I wear a beard, and my hair is long some would say. I am a single father of a beautiful, intelligent, spry, ornery little critter who is literally the reason I wake up in the morning and give a shit about anything around me. If she weren't in my life, I would probably be in a gutter somewhere wasting away, or even dead. She was a three-time miracle, and maybe one day I'll tell that story, and will if asked individually.

     I have education in Graphic Design but haven't worked in that field ever. It was a wasted time of my life that has done nothing to further my life in any way, shape or form. Since traditional schooling and college, I have delved into Alchemy which led me into Philosophy, which led me into a better understanding about the world we all share and live in. Raised Lutheran (Christian), I found that the more I learned about the church, Christianity  and religion in general the faster I wanted to run the hell away from it. I became a closet Atheist at 14, and have never really publicly "come out" because it doesn't really come up in conversation, and there's no reason to shove it down someone's throat I find.

     Most recently, the podcast "Don't Listen To This Show!" is my focus. It deals in mixing Spirituality and Politics - achieving a higher state of consciousness in order to be ready to accept the various truths of the world we live in - some of them terrifyingly bad.

The word "Can't" isn't in my vocabulary - you should consider forgetting that word, as well.

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