Don't Listen To This Show! Podcast

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DLTTS! Spisode 6: Sovereignty / Support The Troops! (3/3)

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This episode is the final of the little mini-series all about the Constitution, Trust Law & Sovereignty! Obviously, it's the one about being a Sovereign Citizen. I'll explain what it means to be a Sovereign, what that requires of a person, and the're already one!

Also, I'll explain to you why it's so very important for you to take the time out of your day when you see an active-duty or veteran Soldier, shake their hand, and thank them for serving - even if you don't like war (who does?).

Finally, the return of my very first Special Guest, Molon Labe who runs the website and can be found @TNP_Sheepdog on Twitter. We talk about Gun Control, Founders, The Federalist papers, and much much more!

DLTTS! Episode 5: Trust Law and Corporate America (2/3)

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This episode is the second in a mini-series of three all about the Constitution, Trust Law, and Sovereignty! This one of course is about Trust Law, and by the way - your government is a corporation! Don't believe me? Listen to the show!

The planned special guest for this episode was Travis Wilson @PatriotPapers on Twitter, but unfortunately his computer took a shit and I luckily was referred to another guy by the name of Josh Schmidt @SchmidtLiberty on Twitter who is about to start his own Podcast soon!

DLTTS! Episode 4: An Introduction To Your Constitution! (1/3)

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In this episode, I kick off the first of a three part serious all about the Constitution, Trust Law, and Sovereignty! All these things work together to help you be an American - the kind you read about in the history books.

Get your own personal copy of the Constitution HERE!

DLTTS! Episode 3: A New Direction / Adventures of a Super Psychic (Jessica Knew)

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In this episode, I explain how I had a bit of an epiphany, and will heed the advice of whatever muses were embracing me to transition the show from an information dump to a more spiritual, awakening approach. I also have a very special guest, Just Jess, who explains how she had premonitions of 9/11/01 a decade before it happened with extremely accurate details - and even dreamed of fighting terrorists night after night on Flight 93!

Follow Jess on Twitter!

DLTTS! Episode 2: Patriotic Expatriation Authorized to Bend You Over Act (Travis Wilson)

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In this episode, we talk about how The Patriot Act, the NDAA, and the brand spankin new Enemy Expatriation Act all work hand in hand to give you a nice fucking with the red, white, and blue democracy dick. My special guest this time around to help talk about this madness is Travis Wilson, who goes way beyond what I even expected, all the way back to the 1800's!

Follow Travis Wilson on Twitter!

DLTTS! Episode 1: Obama, NDAA, & Guns: OH MY! (Molon Labe)

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In this, the debut episode of Don't Listen To This Show! I talk why Barack Houssein Obama is a terrible President, how I don't originally think the National Defense Authorization Act is a frightening thing, but during the interview with my special guest Molon Labe I admit that it could be abused, and we talk Gun Control!

Follow Molon Labe on Twitter!
Visit Molon Labe's website!

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